What is the difference between All-on-4 and All on 6?

What is the difference between All-on-4 and All on 6?



If you have looked over your options to restore your smile with All-on-4 you might have surely come across other similar dental implant treatments like All on 6, or even Snap in Dentures. In this note, we will focus on All on 6 for being the one that has more in common with the All on 4 protocol. 


All-on-4 implants in CancunTo begin with this explanation we should first clarify something. The term “all on 6” is a term used for to the procedure involving setting 6 dental implants on the upper maxilla or the jaw, where a titanium bar with teeth will be placed and screwed. This is a similar technique than All on 4 to restore the function and looks of the mouth. But from that point forward the differences start to grow.  “All on 6” is not a registered brand or patented by anyone and has been used by dentists by quite some time now. On the other hand, All on 4 was a technique perfectioned by Doctor Paulo Maló with the help Nobel Biocare implants, demonstrating with research and data high success on the long term.


In most cases, All-on-4 is considered the superior option over an All on 6 procedure. The angles of the All on 4 dental implants by Nobel Biocare are implemented in a way that will not usually require bone graft as they are set on the area below the nose where there is supposed to be enough volume. The dental implants can be placed on the same day as the extraction of any remaining teeth. This is usually not recommended on the All on 6.


The implants on an All on 6 are meant to be straight and parallel to each other, so this requires the bone to heal around the implants first. This will increase the chance of a strong the bite with better anchorage and keep the implants from getting loose after they are rehabilitated with a screw retained titanium bar with teeth.



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You can contact our team of experts and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We can provide you information about All-on-4 in general as well as give you a free online evaluation with our doctors. They will review your case to make sure you are a candidate for this procedure and offer other alternative solutions if available. We have won several customer service awards because we give our patients all the attention they need and answer all their questions, and even assisting them to plan their dental vacation to Cancun. Whatever you need, we are here to help you out!

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