A real video testimonial for All-on-4 dental implants in Cancun!

A real video testimonial for All-on-4 dental implants in Cancun!

We are happy to share with you another video of a patient trying her all-on-4 implants with nuts and apples. All-on-4 is a strong and stable alternative to regular dentures for people who have no teeth left.


Doctor Wendy: Hello, here we are with Linda from Oklahoma. How do you feel now that you got the treatment with an All-on-4? Tell us, what was your experience here?


Linda: I feel really good. It’s only been 8…9 days, I believe, and I’m ready to go. I’ve been very happy the whole time I’ve been here. They are very, very, very good people. They made me feel very welcome, very happy. And I love them all. They are very nice to people.

30 years ago I started getting caps and caps, and this tooth and that tooth and then, actually I was up in my attic a couple of months and I fell and busted out two of my teeth that had caps on them so… there wasn’t anything much else I could do but to have them removed, all my top removed, and then get dentures, but I just didn’t want regular dentures. So I thought it would be better to go with the all-on-4. That’s what I did. And I’m glad I did. I’m very happy I did.

Doctor Wendy: Well, we want you to show us what kind of hard things, or hard foods, or crunchy things you are able now to eat.

Linda: Ok

Doctor Wendy: Like… what kind of…. uhmm

Linda: Nuts. I had some nuts the other day. Chocolate covered nuts.

Doctor Wendy: Great!

Linda: Mmmh, they were really good! Really good! That’s the job!

Doctor Wendy: Awesome!

Linda: Now this is the first time I really had an apple

Doctor Wendy: So easy

Linda: Mhh-hh it is really easy.

Linda: I mean, I love it. I would really recommend it to anybody. I love everybody that’s here, they have been so generous and so kind. Makes you feel really welcome, not scared. I wasn’t scared at all. Not at all.

Doctor Wendy: Thank you so much for your confidence, thank you so much for trusting on us, and, well, another happy patient with All-on-4. Thank you so much Linda.

Linda: Thank you!

Doctor Wendy: Whenever you wanna come, you are welcome!

Linda: Ok, thank you so much!



If you want to know more about All-on-4 Dental Implants in Cancun call toll free from USA and Canada 1-800-701-6039 to ask for a dental evaluation with our doctors.

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