This time we would like to share with you a wonderful case of All-on-4 dental implants restoring the smile of another of our patients in Cancun. Our dear patient Jocelyn came to us looking for a solution for her dental problems and we were happy to help! Our dental clinic and dental implant specialists are ready to give you back your smile in only 10 days during your vacation in Cancun. You can see her in this picture with Doctor Cesar, one of our dental implant specialists.
The All-on-4 procedure consist on drilling two vertical implants on the front of the arch of the maxilla or jaw bone, then add two tilted implants on the sides to provide stability and anchorage to a milled titanium bar with new teeth. You can get the smile of your dreams.
Since the milled titanium bar is anchored over the implants, all the support is given by them. Most of the patients say that it feels like natural teeth. So this will give you the confidence to have a strong bite and your teeth will feel and look normal. You can forget about dentures and messy adhesives and start enjoying your favorite foods.
The best thing of all is that you will be able to get a new smile just like you want. You will choose, with the help of the dentists, the size, shape and color of your new teeth during one of your visits. Some people find it hard to believe that only in about a week they could smile again with confidence but this is a reality. You can get an online evaluation with us to see if you are a candidate for this dental treatment and end up saving up to 70% compared to the similar implant dentures in USA and Canada. You can also check our YouTube channel for many other testimonial videos and reviews from our patients.
You can contact our team of experts and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We can provide you information about All-on-4 in general as well as give you a free online evaluation with our doctors. They will review your case to make sure you are a candidate for this procedure and offer other alternative solutions if available. We have won several customer service awards because we give our patients all the attention they need and answer all their questions, and even assisting them to plan their dental vacation to Cancun. Whatever you need, we are here to help you out!